welcome to my blog :]

It's completely your decision to partake in the act of reading what I post. I appreciate your opinions but if you regret what you read, well, I don't care. :D

I post about random things that occur in my life and I upload a lot of photos. The End.

Friday, January 22, 2010

That's it. It's over. Done. Gone. Fine.

Music Theory is over.
Time for a photo montage. Insert sappy music here.

My exams are done with and first semester is officially over. Music Theory is no more. I will never use anything I learned in that class ever again, but I will use the new friendships I've gained. I don't even like thinking about what would have happened if I had never replaced my study hall (especially considering I would have had that study hall with a certain someone).

All I can say is...I don't want that grape juice.


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